About Our Committees
Committees are the lifeline of every association. We welcome you to become involved in one of our committees.
Interested in serving on a committees or starting a new one? Email us at info@txappraisers.org and ask to volunteer.
- Bylaws
- Legislative/Current Affairs
- Membership
- Nominating
- Professional Standards
- Program
- Past Presidents Council
Legislative/Current Affairs Committee
Chair: Gregory Stephens
The Legislative/Current Affairs Committee shall be to monitor legislation that impacts the practice of real property appraising and to inform the membership and the community on these relevant issues.
The Committee shall inform ATA members about legislative action and the importance of involvement in legislative affairs. Where possible, the Committee shall collaborate with the other state and national organizations to accomplish these purposes. The Legislative/Current Affairs Committee shall be advisory only and shall not be authorized to act on behalf of the Board. The chair and members of this Committee shall be appointed by the Board with preference for recommendations of the Committee. The terms of the chair and members of this Committee shall be one year. The Board may reappoint the chair and members for additional terms.
Name | Membership | Designation |
Cooper, Slade | Member | ATA-R |
Kahane, Steve | Member | ATA-R |
Overbay, Tyler | Associate Member | |
Stephens, Gregory | Member |
Membership Committee
Chair: Olivo Castillo, ATA-R
The Membership Committee, working in cooperation with ATA Board of Directors and Executive Director, is responsible for increasing the number of members and ensuring the retention of these members through the offering of services that meet their needs. The Committee recommends policies, procedures, and initiatives to assure a growing and vital membership organization. The Committee will consist of four appointed members plus the chair. Appointments are for a three-year term and are made on a staggered basis with one-third of the positions filled each year. The chair's appointment is for one year.
Recommend to the ATA Board of Directors and Executive Directors a means for increasing ATA's membership base.
Contact prospective members by phone or email. Make them aware of resources, services, membership benefits and to invite them to join ATA.
Contact all new members personally by phone or email to welcome them to ATA and invite them to the next meeting.
Respond to disgruntled members' calls and solicit feedback for improvement.
Contact delinquent members prior to cancellation and encourage them to renew.
Greet and introduce new members and prospective members at ATA meetings.
Host a meet and greet prior to ATA meetings for new and prospective members.
Staff membership booths at trade shows and meetings.
Identifying members' and nonmembers' needs and perceptions, analyzing them, and making recommendations to the ATA Board and Executive Director.
Develop new member information packets for first-time ATA members. This packet of information can include the resource list, the most recent ATA connections, Membership List, and anything else that the Membership Committee believes may be helpful.
Develop a Annual Membership Recruitment and Retention Plan
Update Membership Forms as needed
Name | Membership | Designation |
Castillo, Olivo | Member | ATA-R |
Crawford, Dennis | Member | ATA-R |
Dunagan, Brandi | Member | |
Fontana, Laurie | Member | ATA-R |
Lawson, Deborah | Member | |
Mitchell, Kimberley | Member | ATA-R |
Rodriguez, Allison | Member | |
Tredway, Kathryn | Member | ATA-R |
Nominating Committee
Chair: Ken Pruett, ATA-R
The Nominating Committee is responsible for securing candidates for the ballot and present a slate of qualified, acceptable candidates to the membership for a vote. Per ATA Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2, the Committee will consist of three members, the immediate past president, the president, and vice president.
Recruit potential candidates by calling research section chairs and other interested members to encourage interest in leadership.
Confirm potential nominees are active members in good standing.
Ensure all potential nominees are notified of final ballot via phone, and all candidates on the ballot of elections results via phone.
Present the election results to the membership at the Annual Conference.
Name | Membership | Designation |
Kahane, Steve | Member | ATA-R |
Marlow, Brian | Member | ATA-R |
Teel, Pamela | Member | ATA-G |
Professional Standards Committee
Chair: Steve Kahane, ATA-R
The Professional Standards Committee reviews complaints and determines whether or not there is violation of the Code of Ethics and whether a hearing is warranted. The Committee consists of nine appointed members.
Follow Complaint Procedures as outlined in the Ethics Complaint Procedures
Name | Membership | Designation |
Fontana, Laurie | Member | ATA-R |
Jacob, Diana | Life Member | ATA-G |
Marlow, Brian | Member | ATA-R |
Martinez, Ian | Member | ATA-R |
Neighbors, Richard | Member | ATA-R |
Palacios, Arturo | Member | ATA-G |
Stephens, Gregory | Member | |
Tredway, Kathryn | Member | ATA-R |
Program Committee
Chair: Cathy Harper, ATA-R
The Program Committee, working in cooperation with ATA Board of Directors and Executive Director, is responsible for developing programs for ATA Meetings. The Committee consists of four appointed members plus the chair. Appointments are for a three-year term and are made on a staggered basis with one-third of the positions filled each year. The chair's appointment is for one year.
Recommend locations for Annual Meetings
Publicize the event to interested parties
Recommend conference style (regular classroom or selected topics) for Annual Meeting and Mid-Year meetings
Secure speakers for Annual Meeting and Mid-Year meetings
Recommend location for dinner at Annual Meeting and Mid-Year meetings
Write stories for ATA connections highlighting meeting information
Purchase door prizes for the meetings
Assist in securing exhibitors and sponsors
Monitor meeting budget
Name | Membership | Designation |
Harper, Cathy | Member | ATA-R |
Lay, Michael | Member | |
Marlow, Brian | Member | ATA-R |
Pfleiger, Rodney | Member | |
Smith, Brian | Member | |
Spruiell, Ashley | Member | |
Streep, William | Member | ATA-R |
Streep, Stephanie | Member | ATA-R |
Public Relations Committee
Chair: Jamie Wickliffe, ATA-G
The Public Relations Committee, working in cooperation with the ATA Board of Directors and Executive Director, is responsible for being the public-face of ATA. The Committee will consist of 4 appointed members, plus the chair. Appointments are for a two year term, at the discretion of the President and/or committee chair.
The Committee is tasked with keeping a pulse on current appraisal issues and preparing any public responses for review by the ATA Board that are deemed appropriate concerning the appraisal profession and the ATA. All public service announcements and statements to the media will come from this committee and be approved by the Board of Directors.
For example:
Should ATA desire to take a unified message to State regulators, the PR committee would help draft and help deliver that message on behalf of ATA.
Should an ATA response be deemed appropriate for high profile appraisal issues, the Committee would help draft and assist in delivery of the message on ATA’s behalf.
Where possible, the Committee shall collaborate with the National Association of Appraisers to draft unified messages about the profession.
Name | Membership | Designation |
Dunagan, Brandi | Member | |
Evans, Chris | Member | |
Fontana, Laurie | Member | ATA-R |
Reyes, Margie | Member | |
Wickliffe, Jamie | Member | ATA-G |